I would have to admit that this is not my original creation; at least the idea of writing about the magic of a hug is not. Though I’d take credit for what I have expressed in it and about it.
There are many times when you feel down and low. When you feel that you are the only one left to face the challenges, the uphill task, the dull monotony of life. There are times when all you want is the companionship of anyone, someone who would not say a word to you but would just sit and listen to all the crap-of-a-sense you are making.
Among all the various senses known to mankind, the sense of touch is the most comforting, relaxing, intimidating, if you may, arousing and one that gives a feeling of fulfillment. When you touch it’s not only your skin that touches, a connection between two induvidual is made acts like a live wire for the sense of belonging to flow. And the sense of belonging is by far, what I believe, one of the most necessary, vital and driving forces to keep oneself in spirits to fight through all that is thrown at one.
A hug is a touch that encompasses all sorts of tactile emotions. It is as if the giver and the receiver are pouring into one another the very sense of belongingness, the very sense of being human. The emotion of a hug is something that is way beyond the sexual arena. It is not a lustful expression, as sometimes perceived.
It’s more like a yo-yo. You send it forward and it zinggss back to you in no time. More like a boomerang. It’s a magnetic field that aligns all of one’s worries and happiness’ into a streamline that makes all situations worth living. It gives the inner strength to fight through, to live through adversity. It gives satisfaction that you too have something good in you to share with someone else and to have made his/her this moment worth living.
Different types of hugs convey different meanings with the basic crux being the same, that of belongingness. A goodbye hug means I enjoyed the time we had together, and hope to meet you soon again. A hello hug means that I am glad we have been able to meet again. An I-love-you hug means that I will always be there for you come what may. A friendly hug says, dude, don’t mind but I enjoy pulling your leg. An uncle – aunty hug means, hmph, here we go again. A chat hug means I wish you were here this moment as I miss you and want to catch up on loads of stuff. A photo hug makes the pic more uploadable in facebook. Then of course there is the gigantic Punjabi rib cage crushing hug that reregulates the air supply, all to convey that, hey, you are still alive. So live…!!!
Hug your parents, your grandparents and make them feel that you love them, that you value all that they have given you in whatever way they have. Feel blessed in their arms. Hug your lover and feel the very sense of existence flow throughout your body. It is one of the more satisfying moments worth living. Hug your friends, hug your colleague, hug anyone who has made you feel alive and make a point of returning the favor. For starters, hug yourself and feel thankful for what you have been able to do for yourself.
A word of caution!!! Not everyone is comfortable with a hug. Make sure you aren’t trespassing someone’s personal space, as some people are very protective of it. So take a measure and work towards making everyone aware about this wonderful feeling.
So, Cheers, to a wonderful life.
good one Jai.. nice!
ReplyDeleteAfter reading this i can just say a singlr line: I need a hug!!
ReplyDeleteHey..M late 2 leav my word here.. Let me thank u n tell u dat Ur expressions 4 'Hug' are admirable ;)