Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious means, well, basically nothing.
Immortalized by the musical theatrical Marry Poppins in 1964, this tongue twisting, mind rattling word is often used to pretend to say something wise even though all that is uttered is gibberish potpourri.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sleeping In Class

This piece of art is a composition that cropped up during one of the Oh-So-Boring lectures in Mechanical Engineering, Theory Of Machines aka TOM.

Early in the 2nd year, 3rd semester this piece of art made me realize the fun in writing poetry, which did infact keep me awake in many a boring lecture through the 4 years in Mech. Land.


I have been in the college for over a year,
There have been heaps of things I’ve learnt over here.
Among all of them, I find the most quire,
Is the habit of sleeping in class, O dear!

It started in my 1st semester,
Where the EME lecture got me to pester.
The professor was a hell of a bore,
No one could have asked for anything more.

In the 2nd semester, I progressed,
As two subjects used to get me stressed.
Physics and BEEE sailed over my head,
As the desk in front of me became my bed.

Somehow or the other, I cleared my 1st year through,
I still had no idea of what to do,
Of my torrential habit...
Yawning, yawning, yawn... O God-dam-it!

Come the 2nd year, I became a senior,
To becoming an engineer, I was one step nearer.
Who would have heard of an engineer in pain?
With a yawn wider than the diameter of his brain.

TOM sounds like greek,
The proff is no less than a geek.
SOM is interesting, unarguably so,
But the proff is a pain in a place you wont want to know.

In AT, we do thesis on boilers,
They scan my mind and run as spoilers.
ManPro is fun, but the professor is a dope,
Someone please send him back to his alienated ‘adobe’.

Having said so much about the Mechanical Engineering,
You must be thinking, I’m wasting my time.
My love for the stream is definitely pure,
Oh, There I am yawning once more...!

1 comment:

  1. soooooooo.........
    Boaring lectures was that..! i was always sleeping on last desk......
    thats was very amazing and memorable days...........
    which i cant forget...
    nice ..........


Carry On!