Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious means, well, basically nothing.
Immortalized by the musical theatrical Marry Poppins in 1964, this tongue twisting, mind rattling word is often used to pretend to say something wise even though all that is uttered is gibberish potpourri.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Just. Let. Go

Just before Hrithik Roshan took off for that sky-dive jump from the plane, he looked back and egged Farhan Akhtar, “Just Let Go! Let Go” And how! A scene from ZNMD mesmerizing-ly memorized in some alleyway of imagination; this ‘Just Let Go’ is something that can be seen to make more meaning than an awesome Bollywood scene sequence. Out of the reel to the real world - the thought process that went behind this was quite interesting. 

It was the other day, when I finally paid heed to moms, long held complain to clean and sort out my study table. I had habitually always dumped printouts, pamphlets, newspaper cutouts, write-ups, photos, almost-shredded-photos, page cutouts, last few pages of diaries and registers, letters, speech write-ups, tickets, bills and other memorabilia, that contained something I knew would make me look back at with a sigh and a smile. All these ‘things’ were ‘sorted’ off in some file / folder / in between pages of some books / in the drawers / underneath some books; every possible place I could find within the premises of the study table. There was an unsaid rule debarring anyone from harming the chaos in the table. I called it my ‘TimeMachine’; it took me back to the good old days of yester years and yester decades.
(Sigh) In the process; loads, loads of stuff I never even knew I had were unearthed; which made me wonder, 'do I even need this?'; 'do I even need to remember all this, in this much detail?' Okay, I did smirk, smile and find myself drifting into the memories of school times; all goodie goodie. But still, do I really need them, ALL? I'd been called crazy by my siblings for storing things that even the रद्दी वाला would not take, and my reason was so that I could share it with my kids some time in the future. They would say, what an awesome dad we have. But Hello(!!??) When my own dad shows me stuff of his childhood / youth, I only know with how much interest I follow the talk. So, really?? Would my bunch of kids be any different??!! I wonder. (Post Thought - pehle bachhon ki hone wali ma toh mil jaye)
Besides :
I ended up throwing away loads of stuff that day, that I have already forgotten what they all were. Some lousy protractors with designs made with the pointed side of the compass, some pen caps and batteries with which I used to play pen-cricket and stuff. Though I did keep the lucky pen I used for all pen-fight battles. Geesh, sounds sissy writing this!
Anyhow, the just pre-skydive scene in the movie drove home a point : its a good idea to Just Let Go. Let the memories of the past just drift away in the monotony of daily day-to-day life. Because neither are you going to run back into the past, nor going to re-create an exact duplicate of the same in the present + future; with the same people and / or location and / or circumstances.
And, just to add on to the above : not being bogged down by them old memories and memoirs. And a way to do this is by disposing off such memoirs.
To come to think of it, meeting up with friends from 'that' time zone (like, from during the time of that memory) is the best way to enjoy and relive those moments, rather than sulking and drifting solo.

Baaah!! We all knew this, all this time. There must be some other way to end this.
There is in-fact, another way; And simply put it's : Just. Let. Go.

                                                           Letting Go : ZNMD Style