Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious means, well, basically nothing.
Immortalized by the musical theatrical Marry Poppins in 1964, this tongue twisting, mind rattling word is often used to pretend to say something wise even though all that is uttered is gibberish potpourri.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Please Hold On

I have always wanted to tell you. No, I mean it. I may not be best equipped to express myself in a way that I want to, in a way that I know you want me to be doing so. But I mean it, please hold on!

I have realised that things are not always bad. Not always as bad as they used to be. In fact, look at it as how we have managed to come out of those days of darkness, fear and uncertainty and are now more settled than what we have been in the past decade. That does speak volumes of your resilience and faith you had in what you knew you were doing, and also about luck. I know there was nothing much I could have done back then, without being a superhero in the books I was reading at that time. But now that the time has come, or as I see it, is ever so near than ever, I beg you to please hold on!

The picture you painted in my head that autumn evening, of your dream, has somehow been etched in my memory. It has merged into my goal and is the one thing I want to get, I want to achieve, I want more than anything ever to let you know how much I admire and am proud of you.

How whatever I am going to do is going to effect my future and of those around me is a thought that would always put me at the crossroads, with a series of difficult decisions to make. I don't know how prepared I am to make the right choice out of these difficult crossroads, but its one thing that I want to push forward and let the results be as they are deemed to be right.

Please hold on. I am almost there. And once together we can kick some fine arss. I know it and so do you. So, please hold on. I want to live the life I saw in the books I read. But more than anything I want to live and love my life in a way that I want to, in the way I projected in my own book. You've taught me to be firm in what I have always wanted to do. To be a good human being and leaving the rest to The Power we call the Almighty. I will do that. But, you please hold on.

From the second storey balcony I saw what happened down on the street. I remember the lights and the look on her face. I don't think I realized it back then, but this weekend the jigsaw puzzle showed itself. I don't know how to feel or react, laugh or cry, be hysterical or be myself, react on impulse or work on the planned path.

It wont be long I realise, but it will be long enough to have our own little world accelerated in our own little spaceship that will ever remain in the ascendancy.


1 comment:

Carry On!